4 Incense Products to Relax and Restore Energy Flow
•Posted on July 13 2022

4 Incense Products to Relax and Restore Energy Flow
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can feel impossible to relax and unwind. But self-care is essential to a healthy and productive life. Every once in a while, you've got to slow down and treat yourself to a bit of aromatherapy. Natural incense and herbs have the power to relax, rejuvenate, and restore depleted energy.
A Brief Historical Background
The use of incense dates to ancient Egypt, where incense was most likely used in ceremonies and for fumigating tombs. In some cases, Egypt's burial chambers contain fragrant substances such as frankincense and myrrh. Additionally, Egyptians would have ritualistically used incense for protection and sacrifice.
Incense has also been used in India and other southern Asian countries, such as ancient China, dating back to as early as 3300 BC. Incense has been used in India for thousands of years, making India the leading producer of incense today.
Now, incense appears in every corner of the country for spiritual practices, traditional rituals, relaxation, and rejuvenation.
Good Cycle Store's Incense & Herbs to Restore Energy Flow
At Good Cycle Store, we have four incredible products to serve up all the positive vibes you need to keep the good energy flowing.
- Thai Herbal Massage Ball: Taken from Thai tradition, this massage ball will promote relaxation and health. Turmeric and lemongrass relieve muscle tension and sore joints, enhance blood circulation, and reduce inflammation.
- Natural Cedar, Mugwort, Sage Incense: This incense bundle gathers three of the most beloved aromatic plants (white sage, mugwort, and cedar) to promote positivity, encourage openness, and cast out negative energy. Sage is a traditional herb used to clear a space of negative energy. Mugwort fosters emotional release and psychic opening. Cedar ties it all together with its protective, grounding energy that encourages positivity. All you need to do is light the end of the bundle and waft the smoke throughout your environment.
- Natural Sweetgrass Braid Incense: When burned for healing, the sweetgrass smoke brings positivity. The product can spiritually cleanse a person's aura and sweep spaces of negative energy. One of the most beloved Western plants for burning, the vanilla-like aroma will have you feeling refreshed and restored in no time.
- Juniper Campfire Incense: The tale of California Juniper Campfire Incense evokes the broad, rugged grandeur of California's glorious Death Valley. The incense comes from the juniper sap, eliciting aromas that transport you to the starkly elegant valley. Burning this incense allows you to feel the Californian wind carrying juniper, sweetgrass, and sage aromas from the comforts of home. Bring the campfire indoors to relax and unwind.
Whether you're looking for a bit of serenity during meditation or want a relaxing atmosphere before bed—incense will help relax your energy flow so that you can focus on what matters in life: growth, health, relationships, and love. Grab yours today and treat yourself to the self-care you deserve.
Author: Megan Marshall